

  Unfortunately due to the Canada Post Strike we will be unable                     to ship products until the Strike is over.

A800 Conv ™ Module
A800 Conv™ Module will allow you to use a Brushless Motor on the XK A800 Mini Airplane.

Check on eBay for special deals from time to time

GPS Max Speed Module 

Max Speed Module for RC Aircraft or RC

Vehicles. Plugs into any Li-Po Battery Balance



Night Radian RLC Module
RLC Module to remotely control the LED
lights on a Night Radian Glider and more.
SSDly™ Module
SSDly™ Spark Stop + Delay Module to Stop
Battery Connector Sparking with Selectable
Delay before Power Startup.

      eBay Stuff

J.BAUER Electronics  LaserBee™

Copyright © 2008-2024  J.BAUER Electronics  All Rights Reserved.

B2BL™ Module
B2BL™ Coverter Module will allow you 
to use a Brushless Motor on the Mini
Airplanes liske the Eachine Mini P51D 
Mustang , Mini P-47...Etc...
​RadioMaster TX16S Speaker Mod
Another way to increase the Volume of the
RadioMaster  TX16S.